Verband der Europäischen Bettfedern- und Bettwarenindustrie e.V.
Thomas-Mann-Straße 9
55122 Mainz
Tel: +49 (6131) 588560
Chairman: Ms. Petra Gerlach
Executive director: Dr. Juliane Hedderich
Court of registration: Mainz District Court: Registration number: VR 2557
Person responsible for content according to Section 10 para. 3 of the MDStV (German Media Services Treaty): Dr. Juliane Hedderich (address as above)
The EDFA has committed itself to the "CO2-neutral website initiative". The aim of the Danish initiative is to encourage voluntary offsetting of CO2 emissions caused by the Internet. Through an annual membership fee based on the number of hits the EDFA website receives, the association helps to neutralise the CO2 emissions. This contribution helps CO2 credits to be reduced (in accordance with EEA standards). These credits are bought and retired by government institutions within the EU. The initiative is also involved in sustainable energy production projects. This includes wind energy plants or projects to increase energy efficiency.